Rules for using cookies

Websites you visit can store or retrieve information from your browser, usually using cookies. This information may relate to you, your preferences, or your device, and are generally used to ensure optimal site performance. They do not usually allow you to directly identify yourself, but they can help any website to adjust to your requirements and interests. We process all data provided in accordance with the Privacy statement.

Why we use cookies

We use cookies files to optimize the use of the website. We use them also to obtain anonymous, aggregate statistical data that help us analyze how the user browses our website. This information helps use improve the structure and content of our website.

What type of cookies we use

We basicly use two cookies types – temporary and permanent. The first of these are temporary files that remain on your device until you log out of the website or you do disable them in your web browser. Permanent or fixed files remain on your device for the time specified in your cookies or until you manually delete them.

Required cookies

These cookies are essential to the website and can not be deactivated on our systems.

Analytical cookies

These cookies allow us to track website traffic and where our visitors come to our website from and to measure and improve the site's performance. Thanks to that, we know which websites are most frequently visited and how users browse the web. All information that these cookies collect aggregates and is therefore anonymous.

Marketing cookiess

These cookies are set by us or our partners. They help us to better targed our website visitors or on the contrary, to exclude the display of our advertising messages on other websites. They do not store personal data directly, but they work with a unique identifier for the browser and the device through which you connect to the Internet. If you disable cookies, you'll see less targeted ads.

How to remove cookies

You can edit cookies directly in your web browser, by default, it is usually enabled. Here are links to cookies setup instructions for the most commonly used browsers and services.







